For your convenience, our most common questions are answered here.
Until there is a need for more on this page or additional questions, the best source of answers is at Contact Us page.
Q: Who can I contact for further family information
A: Louis Richard (Dick) Leurig at [email protected].
Q: How do I find information on living persons as the genealogy pages show this as “private”.
A: Most genealogy programs keep information of living persons private due to security concerns. If you need to update living person information or need to use what I have in my records, please contact me by email or phone.
Q: Where is other sites having our family information and history?
A: Another site,, has blogs, information and references to family activities, history, and holdings by Louis Richard Leurig.
Family information is presented in genealogy formats using RootsMagic software. This is a major component taking time to develop. If you want certain family information contact me and I can provide that data.
Q: Can I view images in a larger format?
A: Images are stored at site and when linked to my sites do not require log-in. To facilitate easy access, the code for log-in is already embedded in the link and does not require additional input. the link is usually titled “Leurig Library” in blue. Media can be downloaded.
Q: Can the information be used by me or others without a copyright issue?
A: Facts are not subject to copyright. Writings, presentations, photos, videos, new documents (not those copied or downloaded from sites, and formats can be subject of copyright. Since one of the purposes of this site is dissemination of family history re-use is encouraged based on common sense and if a dispute, on the legal guidelines below. Individuals using this site agree to these terms by default.
While this site is for the general use of family members as described in the guidelines, I have been advised it is best to have a legal statement. This is the same as on all my websites. So, Fine Print at the bottom. Or if on a TV commercial would be two seconds of rapid fire reading.
The contents, photos, documents, and writing on this Leurig Library webpage and blog are copyright 2016 by Louis Richard Leurig. Facts are facts and cannot be under copyright, but presentation of the facts and writing are copyrighted. Posts containing quotes, photos, references, or other public material from other individuals, websites, or documents remain their copyright. Material, including photos and videos, should be assumed to be the property of Louis Richard Leurig unless otherwise noted; the exception being when sourced or referenced to other sites, or from unknown sources. Unknown sources could be material out of copyright, copies in my possession without source information, or under fair use policy and practices; if these sources become known, I will include at a later date as there is no intent to violate copyright. Photos and other materials given to me, posted on Facebook or other media, or provided to me om physical or digital form by family or others are included in the library copyright unless covered by other copyright. The material is provided "as is" and is for information only, representing the views and writings of Louis Richard Leurig unless reference is given to views of others. The accuracy of information is not guaranteed. Unless specifically noted, family members and readers are granted the right to reuse comments, photos, and materials provided it is for non-commercial use, does not use other copyrighted material, and is referenced as copyright Louis Richard Leurig at